Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Roof Leaks And Black Mold – Eliminate These Threats From Your Home

As summer comes to a close, it is a great time to do your regular house maintenance and checkup procedures. This is especially so for those activities that are sensitive and require adequate time and resources. One such activity that is usually neglected is checking for leaks and mold. It is common to assume that roof leaks only come after winter. Winter and spring are times when leaks are likely to occur, but there are so many other causes of leaks. The trouble is also that it could be difficult to identify the source of the leak. First of all, it is necessary to identify the causes of leaks, and the following article helps give a comprehensive understanding of the possible causes of leaks:

So let’s look at ten of the most common culprits in causing your roof to leak and what you can – and should – do about them (other than recruit a bucket brigade):
  1. Villain: Age
Roofing materials, especially asphalt shingles, get old and tired. Expansion and contraction with the change in temperatures cause aging roof protection to turn brittle and eventually crack. Years of harsh rays from direct sunlight can melt the tar that holds composition shingles together. Father Time has not lost a battle yet and when roofing materials run up against their life expectancy, it will be time to budget for a new roof at the first sign of a leak. Read more at Roofing Calc...
[caption id="attachment_7390" align="aligncenter" width="440"]diaper for roof leaks Image Courtesy of Fixture Closeup[/caption] Seeing that it is not just winter that can bring about roof leaks, it is best to be proactive about checking the areas mentioned in the article for possible leaks. A leak can easily lead to other complications in your home and can cause more damage than you could possibly imagine. Just like the old saying goes - a small leak can sink a great ship. Another big problem that comes from roof leaks or any kind of dampness in your home, is black mold. This is something you really want to avoid especially if your family members have allergies or other health problems. The following article explains what black mold is and the damage that can come from it:

Black Mold Can Cause Big Problems

Black mold in your basement is a big deal. Nobody wants mold in their home, but black mold is a particularly dangerous variety. Black mold can cause serious health problems. Since mold thrives in moist, dark areas, your dank and dimly-lit basement is a perfect breeding ground. This is especially true if you experience persistent basement wetness, flooding, or other moisture areas. Since humidity is a big factor in mold growth, Maryland basements are particularly susceptible to the stuff. Even run of the mill mold can be harmful, but black mold takes these harmful effects to an unhealthy extreme. Black mold is a microscopic organism. Its spores are invisible to the naked human eye, but once it grows and spreads to a large enough area you will be able to see it. Read more at AA Action Waterproofing...
[caption id="attachment_7389" align="aligncenter" width="300"]black mold Image Courtesy of Bridge The Gulf Project[/caption] Because it is difficult to detect the presence of black mold in your home, it’s always best to avoid it by all means. Roof inspections will go a long way in solving this problem. The following article sheds light on how to deal with black mold from its root and how to prevent it from recurring:

Targeting the Cause of Black Mold in the Attic

Q: This winter, up in the attic, I found black mold covering the plywood on the underside of the roof. What's causing this? And how do I clean the mold off and keep it from coming back? —Adam Minorczyk, Harwood Heights, Ill. A: We get that question a lot, especially near the end of winter. That's because all season long, warm moist air has been leaking from the house and into the attic, where it has condensed on—and been absorbed by—the cold underside of the plywood roof sheathing. As temperatures warm up and the icy plywood thaws out, the conditions are perfect for mold to grow on the wet wood. Read more at This Old House...
[caption id="attachment_7388" align="aligncenter" width="350"]The black mold grows in the drywall, which must be removed before the building can be inhabited again. Image Courtesy of Strategie Evolutive[/caption] If you are looking for roof specialists who can help you deal with leaks and mold, look no more. Our advanced infrared technology will help identify the areas in your home that have leaks or moisture, and we’ll also find any hidden mold and help eliminate it. We provide roof repair and inspection services in Fairfax City, VA.  Call us today! Featured Image: Image Credit  

The following post Roof Leaks And Black Mold – Eliminate These Threats From Your Home {is courtesy of Roof Repair

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